UConn’s Supplier Diversity Program (V. Cook – middle) has been an active planner and participant in NAEP Supplier Diversity Institutes since 2007. Volunteerism includes representing UConn on the NAEP DEI Committee for 4 years (co-chairing its 2nd year) and the Supplier Diversity Sub-Committee (co-chairing); participating in an interview in one article and co-authoring another (Spring 2023) for NAEP’s Procurement Journal; and serving as a subject matter expert on panels for Fusion Sessions during covid years when sessions could not be held in person, as well as being a panelist and co-facilitating, respectively, during the first two years back in person at NAEP’s Annual Meetings.
The Volunteer of the Year Award recognizes those individuals who have gone above and beyond in service of NAEP and our members. This year’s awardees not only meet that definition, but also have done so when the demand in their offices has been at an all-time high. Their dedication to serving others is exceptional.