The University of Connecticut is committed to providing a professionally inclusive environment within which small and historically-underutilized diverse businesses are encouraged to participate in our procurement experience. We are requesting that those contracting with us also partner with this commitment to inclusion; and to highlight the inclusive procurement practices of those we are contracting with, we are collecting Tier 2 utilization data using this brief survey.
Author: Procurement
Eddie H. Jackson Supplier Diversity Award
The Eddie H. Jackson Supplier Diversity Award recognizes institutions or individuals who have made outstanding contributions to supplier diversity and inclusion initiatives on their campuses and in higher education procurement.
UConn Honored for Policies, Programs Ensuring Diversity Among Suppliers
UConn is being honored for its commitment to economic inclusion in ensuring that companies operated by members of underrepresented populations receive adequate access and information to compete for University contracts.
UConn is one of nine institutions nationwide to receive the inaugural Jesse L. Moore 2021 Supplier Diversity Award from INSIGHT Into Diversity magazine, the oldest and only print publication focusing on diversity and inclusion in higher education. Read More on UConn Today
USDP Team Represents UConn at 2019 Annual GNEMSDC Expo and Conference
UBS Leads the Way…Congratulations to Our Partnership Mug Recipients!
UConn Procurement Card Program Partners with USDP through eLearning
UConn Honored! 2nd Consecutive Year for Promoting Economic Inclusion
MCC 2018 Corporate Partnership Award Recipient
The University of Connecticut was honored recently by the Minority Construction Council (MCC) with its 2018 Corporate Partnership Award. The presentation was made at the group’s 2018 Partnership Award Dinner held in Hamden, CT on May 8, 2018.
Veronica Cook, Executive Program Director for the UConn Supplier Diversity Program (middle) with Bernard Thomas, MCC Board Member, (left) and Jennifer Little-Greer, MCC Executive Director (right). (Tom Flickin Photo)